What is Community Rights and Rights of Nature Movement?

man and woman sitting on grass while fronting body of water
man and woman sitting on grass while fronting body of water

It is a Vision based on the Democratic principles of local community self governance. The Community "Bill of Rights" and nature's ecosystems have enforceable rights of their own.

We The People...

Join the Community "Bill of Rights" and Rights of Nature Movement.


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Igniting a rights movement for community and nature


Be The Change!

"The world will not evolve past its current state of crisis by using the same thinking that created them"

- Albert Einstein

Community Rights = The Rights of Nature

Community Rights = The Rights of Nature

Frank Bibeau, Thomas Linzey, Samantha Skenandore - Legalizing Nature’s Rights: How Tribal Nations are Leading the Fastest Growing Environmental Movement in History

"The founding father couldn't have conceived of water pollution caused by fracking for natural gas, landslide and habitat loss from deforestation, sea level rising from climate change... "

We The People...

"began to take over our own municipal governments, to pass local laws known as “Community Bill of Rights”. The Bill of Rights recognize a Right of Local Community Self-Government, and then assert that power to create legally binding rights to clean air and water, and rights to sustainability."

"Any community has elected local officials who can pass Rights of Nature laws, but in the US, about half of the states have ballot initiative processes so that You can write Rights of Nature laws yourselves at the local level and then put it on the ballot and campaign for it and pass it, and then begin to enforce it."

Cross Road

Which way to head?... We live in a world characterized by mistrust, ill health, economic uncertainty, inflicted racial trauma, generational shift and the existential crisis caused by carbon. Not to mention the stress and dissolution of traditional pillars like organized education, office space and live gatherings.

And we live in a world with breathtaking medical technology, artificial intelligence, widespread and rapid cultural coordination, efficient farming, a move away from greed and the beginning of green tech. As well as self-driven learning, diverse cultural projects and the long tail.

Now more than ever, there’s room for leaders. Go first...

-Seth Godin blog

Thomas Linzey & Mari Margil: Occupy the Law

Center for Democracy and Environmental Rights